War Artists on Film: Out of Chaos – Public Talk

Tuesday 10th December, 1.15pm at The Stanley Spencer Gallery.  Tickets £10 on the door on the day.

Yvonne Tasker’s illustrated talk will centre on Jill Craigie’s documentary film Out of Chaos (1944) which profiles the work of war artists – including Paul Nash, Henry Moore, Stanley Spencer and Graham Sutherland – and which argues for the artist to have a central place in society. Yvonne Tasker (University of Leeds) will explore how the film presented the working methods of the artists profiled. The talk will also discuss the balance of art education, propaganda and utopian ideas about the role of the artist in time of war and in the post-war society that was being imagined. The talk will discuss the film and the representation of war artists using Craigie’s correspondence with artists and critics, her scrapbook on the production as well as contemporary reviews and details of the film’s reception.

See The Stanley Spencer Gallery’s website for further details: https://stanleyspencer.org.uk/

Picture Post – 2 October 1943