Yvonne Tasker is Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds. She has worked on the work and the media representation of female filmmakers in essays such as Vision and Visibility: Women filmmakers, Contemporary Authorship and Feminist Film Studies in Vicki Callahan and Allison McKee’s collection Reclaiming the Archive: Feminism and Film History, Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 2010. Tasker also co-edited an issues of the journal Feminist Media Histories, 2:2, 2016 on the theme of Activism, Agency, and Authorship: Exploring Women’s Film History.

Tasker is the author or editor of many studies of gender and film culture including Gendering the Recession: Media Culture in an Age of Austerity (ed. with Diane Negra, 2014, Duke University Press), Soldiers’ Stories: Military Women in Film and Television since WWII (2011, Duke University Press), Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture (ed. With Diane Negra, 2007, Duke University Press), The Silence of the Lambs (2002, BFI) Working Girls: Gender and Sexuality in Popular Cinema (1998, Routledge) and Spectacular Bodies: Gender, Genre and the Action Cinema (1993, Routledge).