We benefit from the support of our project partners who have made in-kind commitments to our work, in addition to the generous funding we have received from the Arts and Humanities Research council.

Our partners include national film industry bodies, the BFI and BEHP and regional arts venues The Arts Institute (Plymouth), The Forum (Norwich) and the Stanley Spencer Gallery (Cookham). Each is supporting our research and public engagement activities in many important ways from providing archival access to the presentation of our film and hosting events connected to our project.

We are also working closely with the Women’s Library at the LSE which holds the Jill Craigie collection, a key source for our investigations.

We are also very grateful for the kind support of our advisory board:
Melanie Bell, Ros Cranston, Mary Evans, Steven Fielding, Christine Geraghty, June Purvis, Sara Putts, Sue Thornham and Melanie Williams.